Chung-Shin professionally produce all kinds of related silicone products.

■■Textile coating■■
  Taste and leave Name or description Specification Characteristic & Application
1. Coating of silicon based
Oil based Good tear strength & Good Reply stretch
2. Profit mere BASE coating of silicon FC-1119 Oil based Good tear strength & Good resistance to water pressure
3. Add the use of PU resin FC-1150 Oil based Good resin compatibility
4. Add the use of PU resin TP-5028 Oil based Good resin compatibility & Good tear strength
5. Add the use of PU resin FC-3115 Oil based Good resin compatibility & Good tear strength
6. Add the anti-stick coating agent B-300/
Oil based Good anti-stick
7. Imitation hair processing FC-2125 Oil based Imitation hair surface